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Because books don't sell themselves.
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It all starts here. THE SNAPSHOT is my careful analysis of what your manuscript needs to land an agent or publisher. Find out what's right, what needs fixing, and what is spot-on. Susan Ouellette, Jonathan Brown, Jordan Brooks Hill and M. Todd Henderson all started with a Snapshot.
I spend many hours, spread out over time, considering your work. A one-hour phone call or Zoom meeting included so you can ask questions directly. A Snapshot can cut years off your learning curve. (See Testimonials page for direct results.)
Pricing: $500. to $2,500. depending upon word count.
Partial manuscripts okay, too. Ask me questions: Click here
For some people, a Snapshot is enough. They take the notes and get to work on changes. Or they jump directly to agent queries. Some need Development, which is the next step in grooming a novel manuscript for commercial standards.
A Snapshot details everything that needs to be done. A Development Edit supplies you with the tools and supervision to rewrite correctly the first time through. Some writers work best with a Roadmap of directions placed inside the manuscript, detailing what to write, where. Others learn from working with me on their plot outline to get more dramatic twists and turns on the page. Then the writer revises according to the new plot outline. A Development Edit determines the best process for you to finish and polish a blockbuster work, I supervise that process, ensuring you have a professional-quality manuscript.
Pricing: $1,500 and up depending upon requirements. Email Me Direct
Note: I don’t copy edit or proof manuscripts that I haven’t developed.
If you need a referral to excellent editors who do, just ask. CLICK to CONTACT
Sometimes, writers come to me with ready manuscripts and they don't need revisions or my opinion. Okay, let's go! I’ll write a blockbuster query letter for you, source the best agents for your genre, and handle all correspondence, if desired. You can be as hands-on or hands-off as you like. When an offer of representation comes in, I step away so you can chat one-on-one. I’m always waiting in the wings with guidance, if needed.
85% response rate, many success stories;
à la carte pricing starts at $500. Email me